
  • Ensure you have an account on PyPI, if you do not create one here.

  • Create or verify your ~/.pypirc file. It should look like this:

    index-servers =
    username = <username>
    password = <password>
    username = <username>
    password = <password>
  • Update CHANGELOG.rst

  • Commit the changes:

    git add CHANGELOG.rst
    git commit -m "Changelog for upcoming release 0.1.1."
  • Install the package again for local development, but with the new version number:

    python develop
  • Run the tests:

  • Release on PyPI by uploading both sdist and wheel:

    python sdist upload -r pypi
    python sdist upload -r pypitest
    python bdist_wheel --universal upload -r pypi
    python bdist_wheel --universal upload -r pypitest

    NOTE: Make sure you have Python Wheel installed for your distribution or else the above commands will not work.

  • Create git tag for released version:

    git tag -a v0.1.1 -m "version 0.1.1"
  • Update version number (can also be minor or major):

    bumpversion patch
  • Commit the version bump changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Bumping version for release cycle"
  • Test that it pip installs:

    pip install apex-radio
    <try out my_project>
  • Push: git push

  • Push tags: git push –tags

  • Check the PyPI listing page to make sure that the README, release notes, and roadmap display properly. If not, copy and paste the RestructuredText into ninjs to find out what broke the formatting.

  • Edit the release on GitHub . Paste the release notes into the release’s release page, and come up with a title for the release.